Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Day 44

I can hardly believe that this first round of "Project: Bridging the Wellness Gap" has less than 3 weeks remaining and it seems like the closer we get to our end date, the faster it's going by. After talking to several of the Test Pilots, they seem to feel the same; it's going by too quick. Well, except maybe the journaling and log keeping aspect, no one seems to be lovin' that at this point.

To me, this speaks volumes about the Project. In terms of our perception, isn't it always the things we enjoy that seem to go by too quick? Isn't it the visits with close friends that end too soon? Or, aren't the workouts we enjoy the ones that end before we know it? Conversely, it's the things we are adverse to, or things that are challenging and uncomfortable that drag on endlessly? So, I take from this experience that the Project challenges participants, yet it is enjoyable, sustainable, and dare I say "fun". Among Project participants, one of the topics of conversation over the past several weeks has been "what's next", and "where do we go from here". Again, this excites me, partially because I'm weird like that and more so because it means everyone is ready to keep this thing going and it is now their life-long commitment.

When it comes to most training programs, diets, or short term fixes participants cannot wait until the end date. And, once it's over they tend to go back to their "old life". Not with the Project! This is a life changing, life long journey. As the Test Pilots discovered, the Project is their life, their life is the Project. This is a way of life, not a short term workout program.

I look forward to sharing the next couple weeks with all of you and sharing the "after" results when we wrap things up. Stay tuned for what these brave souls will be doing in their next phase of their Project and how you can join in the next round.

In Peace,

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