Thursday, December 18, 2008

Project Info

Each day I'm getting new visitors and readers of the Project blog.  Welcome!  And thanks for joining us on this crazy journey of health, fitness, and well-being.  There are two things I want to point out:
1) If you are here looking for information on the upcoming round of BTWG, please go to this direct link from the blog archives:
2) In addition to this blog, I also host an online forum.  Since the close of the last round of BTWG, the forum has been pretty silent, but feel free to jump in and get some topics going or post your thoughts and questions.  I've found that if someone takes the time to post, readers show up and answers and thoughts are exchanged.  It's a great medium to stay in touch with one another, learn, grow, share and get connected.  There is a direct link to the forum in the right hand column of this blog or you can go here:
3) Feel free to contact me if you have questions or if there is anything I can do for you:


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