Thursday, January 22, 2009

Phyllis Update

Hey Gang,

I know many of you have stopped by the Project blog only to find the same post that's been up since Monday. That was my intention, as I wanted to give everyone a chance to read my request.

Last night, I was given an update on Phyllis' status and there is lots of great news. While we all thought she was having surgery on Wednesday, it was actually on Tuesday and it went very well. In fact, I understand that she is already home and beginning this phase of her recovery. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers as I am certain they were helpful. Please keep Phyllis in your prayers as she still has challenges ahead and it may be a long recovery process. You guys rock!

Also, Sam sent me an email today and she is almost up and running, literally. She tested things out with her strength and toning workout, minus the leg movements. So far, so good! Again, thanks for your thoughts, prayers, and support.

I am working on a post that I envision putting out there tomorrow, though it's one that is taking me pretty deep, so don't be bummed if it doesn't show up until Sunday. Heck, with 14 other Project blogs to visit, that should keep you plenty busy until I have a new post for ya! : -)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chris, can we have her address to send her cards or if anyone is game, I would like to send her a plant. She is a gardener and to have a plant instead of flowers I think would mean alot to her. Let me know if we can get something together.