Sunday, February 22, 2009

BTWG Recruit Progress Reports

Holy Smokes! How did a whole week pass without me posting anything on the BTWG blog? Well, of course that is an easy question to answer; it just happens every now and then. Losing 3 of my work days last week really put me behind, yet as of later today, I will be more or less caught up. So, watch out, y'all, Chris is back up to speed which for all of you means lots of "fun" coming your way.

Throughout this week I intend to share updates and progress reports from the current group of Project Recruits. In one week they will hit the mid-point of their 12 week experience, and already they are noticing fantastic progress in their health, fitness, and well-being.

Below is a little excerpt from an update I received this morning. Enjoy!

What a week! Every week brings to me a new level of inspiration from a different place!

As my week started I was at the high school anxious to start the new workouts at 4:55am on Monday. As I approached the building the interior lights were still off, being Presidents Day I knew school was out but usually I can still get in the building……well not today! So I drove home got to work early and left by 5:00pm to get my workout in……no drama! Although I prefer the morning workouts I took in stride that it was not an option on this given day and let it go! I think the program as a whole has helped me to gain perspective on what is in and out of my control and how to manage situations best that I can without internalizing unneeded stress...

Eating is good! I have noticed that I am hungrier and that food really tastes good! I still eat quite a few times while I am doing something else which I know is not the ideal but I have not grasped only sitting and eating except for at dinner. I do think that since I pack my food I am aware of what I can/need to eat and it is helpful. When we go out to eat I am very aware of eating only until I am comfortable and I have not been hesitant to ask for special menu items...

Each week as I go through the workouts I look forward to yoga and view it as my reward for a completed week! The overall well being that I feel after class is a perfect ending / beginning to a new week!

I guess we are starting into project “Hump Week” I can’t believe we will be half way through at the end of the week. The time has gone quickly and the changes have been amazing!

Thank you so much,


Well done, Stacy! Along with the many changes Stacy has experienced thus far, she has also lost nearly 14 pounds since her initial weigh in!

Finally, please pray for my 2 "Covert Ops" BTWG'ers who are testing out another phase of the Project. They are entering a new realm of training this week, and let me tell ya, it's a whole-other-kinda-fun!


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